3 Problems that may arise with printed labels

NV Printers is a proud organization that fulfils the highest calibre of standards pertaining to advertising, marketing and branding initiatives for printing solutions. Printed labels have the distinct advantages of emphasizing branding initiatives and the reduction of waste and labour-intensive activities in the business. Here are 3 Problems that may arise with printed labels:

1.The labels might not be weather-resistant

Boxes and packages might be exposed to elements such as moisture and liquids that might be spilled across the packaging. The printed label might be torn off due to the adhesive melting off the packaging. An additional reason why the moisture might be absorbed is due to the saturated label surface.

2.Poor quality ink can take a long time to dry

The ink used in the printed labels might take a long time to dry. This would increase the likelihood of smudging on the labels. Excessive smearing can also be influenced by low-quality labels sheets. Cheap toners are notoriously known for damaging the quality of the labels.

3.Templates may not match up

There could be alignment issues with the printers that aren’t matching the template. The ink may become distorted and shift according to the outline of the label. Contact NV Printers/Marmel Labels for more information.

3000 labels min. order quantity per label

